Tag you’re it!
WOLOLO somebody dared to provoke to attempt to venture into breaking into my apartment…ASHINDWE…got home a little after dark and first thing I noticed was the crack on my door…I inserted my key and that’s when it dawned on me that some bloody culprit had not quite brought his A game to my doorstep. On my first attempt, my key wouldn’t unlock the door. Rang my nosey neighbors doorbell and she welcomed me in offering a seat, drink and even dinner…which I declined as I tried to calm down. All I wanted was the number to the leasing office so that I could let them know about the attempted crime and inform maintenance to come fix the door. Did I mention that I cannot stand the level of incompetence and annoying lax demeanor of the staff at the leasing office…boy oh boy. The woman who answered the answering service dared to ask me if I minded being put on hold…I tried to be polite but it was too late…I was off the radar. Cop came did a walk through and good, nothing was missing. This cop was drop dead scrumptious, almost asked him to stay and hold me while we sipped on hot chocolate and waited on the lazy arse maintenance dude to come and be done with the fixings. Surreal moment as he asked me to step back withdrew his flashlight (ROFLMBAO) with left hand while holding his holster with right…gun yipeee…man if the perp. had been there…aaaaaaaaaargh
I went to bed with several ‘safety’ thoughts. I could sleep with a knife under my pillow. Quickly squashed that notion realizing that I may accidentally self mutilate. Ok plan B…push couch to block doorway. That plan was quickly botched by debilitating headache. Plan C…call my Mcdreamy and have him set post as my knight in shining armor…focus Q focus.
I went to bed feeling extremely violated and anxious and the blasted headache would not cease and a panic attack attempted to descend on my being. I hate feeling confined but my eventual plan was sleeping in pjs (Yuk) and locking my bedroom door all this after asking God to protect me. I like freedom…shutting doors within my apartment is foreign to me. As for clothes in bed…constraining. My mind wondered…what if perp. comes back...him and maintenance dude are cronies and the ‘new lock’ was simply a ruse to get me off guard and away with the thoughts!
Even though it was an attempted break-in my sense of security is lost…I feel desecrated and I hate to feel that I cannot be safe in my own home. I am thus apartment hunting…