
Wednesday, September 27, 2006


yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw...if i can only get thro this day then the rest of the week will be just marvelous man...if you don't already listen to capital please they are truly outdoing themselves with the old skool man...auwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

KP Time!!!

One of my greatest pet peeves (that beats squeezing toothpaste from any which point, or leaving the toilet seat up or talking on the phone as you munch away or honking/whistling at me as you drive by or gossip or…) is being late…what’s the point of setting appointments if you can not be on time…you call me and tell me lets meet at 7:00pm for dinner…we both agree on 7:00…why then would you think that you arriving an hour later is kosher…it is not, never has been and never will be so get your act together…7:00 doesn’t equate to I’ll get there when I can…7:00pm is simply that…not 7:05 or 8:00 for that matter…it is my conviction that people who don’t keep time have no regard for others and are almost if not conceited bordering on narcissistic in nature…they figure that the person waiting on them has nothing important to do than to sit and wait on their tardy behinds till kingdom come…the other day it was a friends birthday and we thus took her out to eat…arrrrrrgh I loathe group dinners, simply because there’s always this one or two or three beings who’ll be on CP time (or KP time they call it now – Kenyan People time as I was told by a friend)…the bday gal was hmmm lets see about 45mins late then because etiquette calls, we had to wait on the rest of the party to sashay in about an hour after the agreed time and then go round the table and hug everyone then take their bloody time looking at the drink menu only to decide on tap water and then finally the big Q…oh, have y’all ordered, were you waiting on me…no the cook quit and we’re waiting on them to hire one, what do you think…I’m more forgiving of someone who calls ahead and says I’m running 5, 15 minutes late…I ordinarily give people 15 minutes, 20 tops, anything more than that should be cancelled or re-scheduled…and what’s further annoying to me in these tardy situations is when our people are planning an event they’ll put KP time into consideration…so that if you’re a stickler for punctuality and you come on time to an event that was advertised for four, you’ll have possibly a 2 hour wait before the event starts to look like it’s about to kick-off…very presumptuous of people to decide that if you’ve planned to do something with them you’re dedicating the entire SATURDAY to them…ok I’m done time ranting…all in all diner went well after I got over my irritation with tardiness and the food, drink and laughter was hmmmmmmm, topic for another blog…no, allow me…the food was preposterous…it was like a food channel moment…minute, cute portions displayed on the most gorgeous plates and that’s all there was to that…I personally had to excuse self to go spit up my salad…how do you mess a salad up, arrgh…everyone enjoyed their minute portions of steak and mashed potatoes and broccoli, wishing they could have been more but I guess this wasn’t anywhere close to your typical all you can eat buffet kinda restaurant…my evening ended up great note…after diner I went home eagerly sat in front of the telli to watch Black.White…loooooooooooooove this show…I stumbled upon it about three wks ago and ensued to txt all who I know about it’s greatness only to find out that I got on the wagon too late and these are actually reruns…that didn’t take the eagerness and anticipation with which I awaited the show - I’ve had a date for three consecutive Saturdays 10p – 1a…I’ve never been one to agree with black people when they go on and oooooooooon about the white man this and the white man that and I felt that this show was/is making an effort at each race realizing the other and yes I’m part of the population that strongly agrees that the race card is overplayed and can be overcome…living in the south I’ve had some seemingly racist experiences but I’ve not let them decide the direction in which my life is taking…and maybe I’m so detached cause I know that when all is said and done I do have a home/country that I belong to…as ignorant as this may sound I strongly believe that racism is a control-make-em-hopeless kinda social paradigm…Black.White a very socially responsible show if you ask me…some things I will never understand but I got an understanding of some and watched in awe and disbelief and even with disgust as some of the scenes unfolded and got more convicted that I will not get assimilated into the ‘black’ culture or the racist mentality for that matter coz that would be to my detriment…


Late last year I indulged in a yoga class devotedly six days a week for a little over eight months…though the classes were expensive that’s the best, most rewarding $$ I’ve spent on me, ever…the first two months were a thriiiiiiiiiiiiiill, well all the rest were but the first two more so because I was on a horny constant for that duration…boy oh boy…and it didn’t help that I was practicing celibacy…if the right person had landed this horny, flexible body he would have had a &*%$#@% moment, that I can guarantee…the sensuality of yoga is underrated…hmmm almost like having a tantric sexual experience…ok so back to yoga, it was/is very centering for me...I managed to have mind/body/soul/spirit connectivity and I still pull on it especially at those moments when I don’t feel like I can carry on with the monotony of life all I have to do is pull out the yoga mat, do my sequence, strike a pose and sit in absolute silence or put on yoga cd which has nature sounds – water, birds chirping, beating drums…during these moments I have the most profound conversations with self and God…my simple, most conscious/aware, in tune mode settles in after a yoga session… I feel the energy literally travel from the top of my head through my chest to the pit of stomach across my palms and the cycle continues…I feel purification, almost perfect in my own little world…similar to the PRICELESS innocence I experience when I surround myself with babies/infants/children…the peace that surpasses understanding comes over my being…for me yoga works not only as a source of connecting with self and others and my creator but as a great source of serenity and happiness and I should thus strive to acquire the discipline to wake up each morning and dedicate at least 30mins to yoga…awake my very being so that when I walk its almost like floating on air with a groovy bounce every day and all my actions and reactions and interactions are positively deliberate…contrary to popular opinion my yoga class involved much more than sitting still and chanting…some of the cardio was very challenging…I believe I was at my fittest during daily yoga days, one would wonder why I don’t practice everyday and the only answer I would have for one is simply laziness or maybe I don’t feel the need to pull strength from this source unless I’m in dire need or maybe the motivation I need is lacking or maybe I don’t have an answer to one’s wondering…now I practice when I feel the need to commune with my being and creator which has increased over the past month…it is my goal to make yoga a habit in my life almost ritualistic or maybe even an addiction that borders on obsession…and by golly I will…HAHAHA!

Friday, September 15, 2006


I am what they call a humanitarian by nature, with my biggest passion being HIV/AIDS…the eradication of the disease is paramount in my opinion…my life’s dream is to go back home and bombard the country with AWARENESS campaigns - abstinence and condoms and workshops and education and counseling…In this day and age there is not an acceptable excuse that I can think of for the swelling number of HIV/AIDS cases or orphans that's sweeping the nation...I believe that those in power have an obligation to promote awareness by using as much zeal as they do while campaigning…the stigma associated with the disease needs to be one of the first issues addressed…people need to stop being in denial about having HIV/AIDS and pretending to the rest of the world as they continue to spread the disease…the best people in my minds eye that can help fight the disease are those who have been afflicted/affected by it’s rummaging power…in my perfect world I would solicit the help of one who has directly suffered as a result of self or a loved with HIV/AIDS…these individuals would travel the nation educating and basically exposing others to facts about HIV/AIDS…in my perfect world again, I would encourage those who are still virgins to remain so until they are ready to safely share this scared part of selves with another, I would encourage abstinence or celibacy and I would also encourage the use of safe sexual practice…does that make sense…I’m sure it does because we all know that there is not one answer to prevention…I believe that an honest start to safe sex is to go with partner, ok ok go alone if that’s what you prefer but go for testing and practice safe monogamous sex after finding out test results…all this in my perfect world…one big thing that I hope to promote is sex education in both at home and in schools…for most and I stand corrected our sex education was gained by listening to peers or trial and error or watching tellie…I believe it is the responsibility of our parents to educate us on safe sex and by educate I don’t mean scaring one into not having sex for the fear of getting pregnant but rather informing one of pros and cons of having sex and safe sex…my mother did in her own not so subtle ways and looking back I appreciate that she did…along with parents informing children, schools should counter the parental informal education by integrating sex education into the curriculum and I’m sure they can fit it in within the 10+ subjects that students have to take…yeah yeah they have enough on their plates one may argue, but this is a small price to pay…plus you wouldn’t have to get tested just informed man…I appreciate that there are several NGOs that cater to the awareness of the disease but I do feel that there is oh so much more that can be done and now I have an adrenalin rush with what I can contribute to this cause…I believe that this is my purpose in life and I am tired of wasting my knowledge and have thus made my decision to return home and work toward this passion…there are various ways that you can support the fight against HIV/AIDS…visit one of these sites or search the web for opportunities that desperately await you…

one more thing before I go…get tested and know your status!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Purpose in life...

the other day I walked into a Drs. office and the individual at the front desk was soooooooooooooo bloody unpleasant and I started to say some' back but held my tongue...first off if you're in such a position you should be as pleasant as pleasant can are after all handling individuals who are visiting the office for various health reasons and you should treat them with utmost tenderness let alone respect...this got me thinking...I need to stop existing and start living...too often we find ourselves simply existing...our routine doesn’t change...wake up shower get ready for work get to work with or without having breakfast depending on preference work/im/blog/email/phone lunch work/im/blog/email/phone leave work go home watch tellie go to bed only to wake up to the same routine...we oft find ourselves in this "existence" mode when we are simply at a job not because we enjoy doing what we are doing but because it pays the bills and keeps us away from 'poverty'...this is done without realization that by so existing our lives are impoverished...we live empty lives and some are never happy and project this on those consumers who we serve..those theys have been telling us for time immemorial to Capri Diem and Capri I shall...I want to cease every moment, opportunity, person that invigorates my at a job that brings joy to my very essence...this will be reflected in the way I interact with those who I encounter as I work...instead of a grouch at a Drs. office it'd be pleasant to find a warm-hearted soul...and I do understand that having a great day everyday is not possible for all but in those moments that you feel you are unable to be pleasant please call in or put on a nice act just for a moment or I don’t know post signs that give directions when a consumer walks in your office...


Yeah imagine that 706 hours later...I AM DONE...I’m so utterly excited and at the same time feel a great sense of loss...I’ve enjoyed every moment at my’s been a wild ride man...I didn’t think I’d ever accomplish 700 let alone 706 hours but by golly I did it! This experience has taken my mind and soul to extremes (even body)...I’ve learned how to be a counselor by simply listening...initially I was oh so terrified of giving "the wrong advice" that in the first couple of months I avoided speaking one on one with clients...I was comfortable in sitting in on group sessions and let the knowledge flow in from the facilitators and surpringsingly enough (at the time for me) from the clients...they have some heart wrenching stories to tell and this became my unfolding...the realization that this is not another yukky life-time movie that I was sitting through...they experienced what they did in real time...real life man...and still they continue to always got to my very soul when children were involved...their mothers have put them through so much already and at their tender ages most of them have been through so much more than the average Joe would ever fathom...the cycle is vicious though...most if not all the clients had been sexually abused, molested at a very impressionable age...their use ensued as an attempt to 'block-out' the traumatic experience...the most intriguing, well one of the most intriguing lessons I learned was that an addicts’ life stops/stagnates at the age of first use, meaning if I stared using at 15 my process - thoughts, actions would be that of a 15 yr old...during their recovery clients would come into the home with this exuding from their client for instance was almost 60 but her reasoning was that of a teenager...I’m not claiming their lack of profound wisdom esp. to matters of life, but the stubbornness of say 'I want it now and by golly I will manipulate my way till I get what I want'...I always thought this was an American trait but it is at a deeper scale with the clients...adamant about the inconsequential aspects of life that have little or nothing to do with their my time spent with the ladies I learnt to further humble myself and to constantly have a peaceful spirit/soul/demeanor...the wealth of knowledge that I acquired from this experience is etched in my being and I’m prayerful that it stays in said state for’s uncunning how I can recall each client in my mind and pull the appropriate story to the appropriate face...though their experiences were tear jerkers, I never shed a tear nor did I diminish my own experiences...I oft tried not to take their 'baggage' home with me because rightfully I had my own life to live albeit with its ups and downs, mine all the same...this has been a blessing and saying goodbye almost jerked me up…