I’ve learned that life is too short and a constant metamorphosis
I’ve learned that ones quality of life determines the length and fulfillment of ones life-span
I’ve learned that we should not take each other for granted
I’ve further learned that in not taking each other for granted we should be transparent and accommodating especially to those with whom we have relationships, friendships, our kin…
I’ve learned that given that we are all human there are basic elements that we all share across gender, race or any other lines that we have drawn and these should make us act in a civil manner toward each other
I’ve learned that treating everyone as a unique being gives more rotund relationships
I’ve learned to stop saving my fave candles or my bath salts for even though they may not expire, I one day will
I’ve learned to say “I love you” to those whom I love
I’ve learned not to give a care about what others think of my physical image
I’ve learned that in so doing I redirect that energy in the more intrinsic things in life
I’ve learned that material things oft times seek to replace an emotional void
I’m thus trying to learn not to indulge in the tangible when I feel this void
I’m learning that it is ok to cry…this is a tough one for me and I’m learning to erase my preconceived notions about crying and the stigma that lays within my being for the ‘weakness’
I’m learning that even though some of my convictions may be well thought out and executed, I still have a lot to learn in the world and I should let my hair down more often
I’m learning that it is ok to be seen as weak for it may save one from apparent cynicism
I’m learning to stop over-thinking/analyzing life situations
I’ve learned that music makes my being bounce
I’ve learned that dancing frees my soul and gives me less creaks
I’ve learned that laughing is a major key to my happiness
I’ve learned that laughing makes my soul sing and this resonates my vibe to those with whom I interact
I’ve learned that the art of love making is more profound than the meshing of two units but rather a spiritual almost psychedelic connection between souls
I’m learning to listen to my gut
I’m learning to be a well rounded being
I’m learning to synergize my mind, body, spirit for the greater good of the world that surround me
I’m learning to not deny myself of some devine edibles that those theys have deemed unhealthy in the name of maintaining a size zero image
I’ve always known that I’m a child at heart
I’ve always known that my innocence and or naivety make me more aware of those around me and I’m thus able to empathize in paramount ways
I learnt way back when that no matter ones intellectual capacities or street-‘wisdom’, one is never done learning
I’ve thus learned to be open to acquiring knowledge from all facets of life
I've learned that it's ok to say you don't know and even better to say "I was wrong" or "I am sorry"
And today the most painful/hurtful thing that I’ve learned is letting go of my friend
I've learned that there is a thin line between love and hate and if this lost friendship is not a testament then I stand corrected
I've learned and have always known that hate is too strong an emotion that I do not care to be engaged in
I’m learning that even though I thought that this was a lifetime friendship that sometimes things change and I have to be ready to grasp the changes and roll with them
I’ve learned that though my soul will throb with hurt, deceit, disappointment, confusion, and loss I will rise and one day embrace this experience as a lesson learnt
Labels: me