
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Of the soul and more...

Is the soul a feature that can be customized, switched on and off? Is it tangible? Can we measure its potential, desire, capability, intentions…? What is ones soul, why do we need a soul, what good does it do a body to have a soul?

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting in church and the minister was going on and on about how we create images of our selves and only let certain people into certain aspects of us. Most of us, he purported, have the need for recognition. We want to be remembered by somebody, anybody when we pass on for what we did. I sat there shaking my head in disagreeance, knowing that I wouldn’t careless if anyone remembered me.

Two weeks of contemplation on the subject have gone by and now I recognize that there may have been some truth in what he said. I think I choose the line of career that I choose because I want to make a difference in somebody, anybody’s life. I want to change the helpless nature of a being so that s/he aspires to be more than they would ever imagine. I don’t know if this constitutes me wanting to be remembered as so and so who did such and such, but I do recognize that in my doing of such and such, so and so may always remember me as the person who changed their lives. So maybe deep down somewhere, my being wants to be recognized…I will ponder some more on this one.

On further contemplation of the words that transpired while in church, I started to wonder what image I project to those with whom I interact. I would be labeled with a multi-personality disorder, as I believe many of us would. We oft times project varying pieces of ourselves to different people and environments. I think it is wise to do so but I may be wrong in my thinking. I for one do not want my colleagues to know certain things about me. That I may drink or can dance the night away or love to have sex or whatever the case is has nothing to do with my job performance. I therefore don’t deem it a necessity to share with those whom I work with. I think that there’s a level of being known, being understood that we all yearn for. We share bonds with those who we reckon understand us and don’t judge us but simply embrace us for who we are…unconditionally, unchanged, unretouched…

I’m off on a tangent of sorts now…but I’ve been wondering if my friends and family or those who claim to know me really know me. I’m known among family and friends as one who does not mince words and this oft times gets me in trouble. I butt heads with others because of my sometimes insensitivity in delivering information. I get extremely upset when people claim to know and understand me and ensue to offer apologies on my behalf. These are however subtleties of who I am…my essence is deeper than that or so I believe. Does this mean anything…why am I sharing that point? I know, was going somewhere with it but got lost in my verbosity. Most people know us because of what we present to them. The other thing is that people don’t tend to believe us when we tell them who we are…I wonder why!


Blogger Princess said...

Very thought provoking post!!! I know that my family members with the exception of my dad don't understand me. For instance, when I was busy working insane hours at work my dad understood and believed me and told me to make sure I don't burn out, whereas my mom and aunt thought that I was up to no good and using work as an excuse!!

As for my so-called friends..they are bila clue!!

3:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

@Princess...At least one person in this world understands you as for the rest make sure you explicitly let them know who and what you are and who and what you stand for…that’s if you feel the need to. I must say that when I was in church I was fighting the thought but...I hate to be misunderstood and therefore almost always relay my thoughts and intentions and feelings and all else as precisely as I can. The problem with this is the dubbing of 'your so rude' or some refusing to accept what you tell em about you...oh well!

7:28 AM  
Blogger Girl next door said...

You've brought up some deep issues in this post, I like it! A couple of these questions crossed my mind recently. Some people get to know you in only one aspect or dimension e.g. at work, or school. I guess we tend to compartmentalize our lives to an extent coz it's necessary to avoid complications. Usually only close family members and friends get to know the total picture.

I think the soul is a person's spirit--the essence of who they are. And it gives life to the body.

11:40 PM  
Blogger Jadekitten said...

I like this post. It reminds me of one I did a while back, me thinking I'm multi-personalitied.

And i feel particularly what you touch on. More than 1 workmate has met me in the club and declared I put on a façade at work. HOW? When I'm at work, I'm at work, and that I'm serious and no-nonsense and very focused, what does that have to do with the fact that when I go out I kick butt on the dance floor and I laugh the hardest, and at times flirt like crazy?

And yeah. Head butting. One of my v.good pals told me I rub peeps the wrong way, and another told me I can be abrasive. That I try to change. Sigh.

I decided, long ago, not very many, heck, almost no one understands me. BUT. I'm SO cool with that. Maybe that's a complex? Maybe.

5:28 AM  
Blogger Quintessence said...

@GND...compartmentalization is healthy or so I reckon. My colleagues (American) often amaze me with the level of sharing of intimacies of their lives...Really honestly now, why do I need to know who you are sleeping with or how many baby daddies you have. This really infuriates me...they have no curtains in their lives and that can be tiresome. At work, I've been labelled as being sneaky or the silent predator or quiet storm...labels which I guess to them define my essence/character/soul...ha ha!

@Jadekitten...multipersonality aiye! I think it's important for us to have those if for nothing else than to maintain dignity and respect in the varying environs in which we interact. The only problem with multipersonalities is when one actually has a psychological disorder but thats another discussion

Tee hee, I've been told I'm harsh and abrasive too...but I guess the truth tends to be that...esp. to a person who is in denial. Like you I'm contemplating changing my abrasive nature just a tard, not to be confused with sugar-coating though coz I think that's a deservice to a friend, to anyone really.

5:59 AM  

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