Why are bad habits so bloody hard to Quit....
My oh my, four days and counting without coffee and my headaches are KILLING me man. I kinda sorta told on self to ma that I’m back to drinking coffee…long story. But short version...she knows that when I’m drinking coffee I easily forget to eat. So I’ve been banned from coffee by the entire fam. and they absolutely positively refuse to send anyone coming from home with Africafe (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamie…drooooooll) or anything of the sort for me. I get bracelets as is evidenced by previous post but coffee…nuttin. So me and my big mouth, talking to her Thursday was asked “what was for breakie” without thinking I blurted out…coffee, as I continued to ‘discreetly’ sip on said ‘evil force’. No sooner had I than *$%$#$. SO I promised to try not to indulge. This of course after I’d sold out my suppliers. The headaches are killing me man. I’ve tried coke/water and even my beloved Aleve but that’s not helping. I think the worst is almost over though. It doesn’t help that my appetite is gone with the winds. Oh well…EGM(and all other quitters), tell me HOW U QUIT COKE, man…please, I beseech you!!!
N-e-e-d to snap out of thinking of a tall cuppa coffee with a slice of sacher…BLISS no oopsie ASHINDWE!!!!!
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fast let be be first
then let me say, what are you giving up- coffee or caffeine?
Caffeine- go for caffeine free.
If it be coffee-- eeeehhhh see Egm
Pole on the headaches. Not scientifically proven lakini doesn't water help with headaches.
All the best.
Pole sana for the pain. My approach to quitting coke was not to give myself a period of time in which I'd go without drinking it, but rather a moment by moment purposeful staying away from it. Any time I had the chance to drink something, I'd make a conscious decision not to get coke. Next thing you know, minutes turned to hours to days to weeks to months. I suggest you do the same. Each time you feel like drinking coke, grab water or juice or something. Ditto for coffee.
All the best!
HnH, nawe utamwelezaje about your BAT quitting?
i dont have any wise words but you have my support.
Keep your chin up! Buuuuuuuuut everyone says that to quit one addiction, you need to replace it with another (hopefully less harmless one)so follow EGM! Drink lots of water
I also can't operate without coffee without cafeine in my system i will be a cranky zombie i know i'm not being much help maybe you can try one of those detox herbal concotions
@3toc...giving up coffee...or attempting to, not ready to go w/o coke. I've always been an avid water drinker but it doesnt seem t be helping. Hmmm maybe I shld detox
#Egm...ta, will try that approach. I want to be able to gag at the thought of coffee one day, who am I kidding, maybe in my after-life
@Gish...ta doll
@HnH...will do. Hmmm what other habit can I pick up??? Possibilities are endless man...
@Kirima...I hear ya! Great minds man, great minds...I think I'll try the master cleanse detox. I did it last year and it had some good results
I gave up coffee a short while back, it's been 7 mos, wow! Like you that's all my moms ever sent me, even today she'll forget and ask if i have 'nuff coffee and do I need her to send more, my answer, 'no moms, remember I gave up coffee?' gee saying those very words butchers coffee coz i think c'mmon it can't be that bad right?really... I relate coz I had those very s/s for first 3mos, I fought hard, now I walk in a coffee bean/strabucks and I order a green tea-zen, I still don't know how I did it, but I did, drinking a lot of water persistently will take the HA's away
You can do this, I'm in your corner. Go, Quintessence!
Pole for that aki, I mean for the headaches and da rest!
Coffee is hard to quit I tried and failed bt I just reduced da intake
@Prettylf...Ta, you give me hope doll
@Klara...I hear you. I can't begin to count how many times I've attempted to quit.
I have not quit coffee but i am here cheering you along. It has to do with will power i think and then a gradual withdrawal would be my suggestion, whether it works i am not sure...i shall attempt to quit and keep you posted...as soon as i finish this batch of coffee in my freezer. All the best q.
@Aegeus...Ta for the support. I must say I'm doing rather well...haven't had coffee in 14 days and still strong...headaches are still a killer though!
Do keep me posted, and I'm definately in your corner
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