
Thursday, July 19, 2007

I can’t shake this off man...

Arrrrrrrrrrgh I hate to be sick. I hate, even more, being fussed over when I’m sick.
Hmmm maybe it’s the gods of my previous blog entry getting back at me for picking on my friend or making you lot read jibberish (HA HA that was fun).

This thing has grabbed me by the tits man. It’s been going on nearly 3wks now. It’s like a cross between a sinus infection, allergies, a cold and flu from bloody hell. Have I been to see a doc? No…I’ve been overdosing on Nyquil and this oh so nyamie concoction (hot water, fresh lemon juice, a dash (read - shot) of dark rum, honey and hot sauce (Surgeon Generals warning: PLEASE do not consume if pregnant, nursing, operate heavy machinery, drive etc. Also, seek physicians’ advice before consuming the aforementioned).

I’ve a regimen to curb colds and it’s normally full-proof but apparently not working this time around…BECAUSE they keep the bloody AC at full blast in the office, and since we moved offices, my head is literally screwed under the vent. And then it’s been raining much this summer and it’s muggy so when I get home I turn my AC and then my leasing office is so lax about maintenance and changing filters….Ok okaaaaaay enough excuses, I’m going to see a doctor tomorrow. He’ll probably slap me to oblivion. First off, who gets a cold or whatever this in the thick of summer? And then who goes to see a doctor over it...there’s all these over the counter meds that eradicates one having to make the trip and then sit in waiting room, never mind that you had an appointment for 2p but they have to ask all these questions (DISCLAIMER: TMI, shut your eyes and skip contents in the brackets if you don’t care to hurl - including your last period – this one always baffles me man. I HAVE A COLD WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH MY LAST BLOODY PERIOD…tee hee pun intended). No seriously I’m going to see a doc tomorrow, I sound and feel like ten thousand monkeys, forced on a treadmill BUT who forgot to mention to the researcher that they’ve been smoking for a gazillion years…wheezing, coughing, and booooooooooooy the phlegm…yak!

Are you still reading? Well, while I’m on the whining track…What gives man? I don’t get the need for one being to feel an urge/need to do such and such so that so and so can think/believe this and yes, that about one i.e. keeping up appearances. I believe in everyone being themselves and striving to whatever means to self improve and advance, and this surely, not so that others may give them accolades or so that they may meet any other persons expectations and or caliber to be accepted in a clique. If that much energy is needed from you to please others, then really you need to retire your identity and become a mirror/clone of/to another. What happened to aspiring for self to be the best self that you can be? I get really ticked off when individuals neglect the mundane or rather basic needs just so that they can get say a car or house like so and so and YET they ignore to be themselves…ok I’m done judging and imposing my convictions on others…People PLEASE be yourselves, it makes life so much easier not only for you, but for the me’s in the world!!!



Blogger jm said...

for that whine, we need to wine 2gether ... could not agree more!!

12:29 PM  
Blogger Three types of Crazy said...

being myself.

Hope you feel better. And here is what the doctor will say to you- "there is a virus" going round. Lots of fluids and plenty of sleep.

do I really need to tll you why they ask for when your last period was? I guess for the same reason they ask how many units of alcohol you drink and whether or not you smoke? It's a smple screening test and also alerts thm to stuff they need to look out for. For example- people do feel "sickly" in eary pregnancy- so shud you mention that the "bloody period" was ages ago- then you will be buying over the counter test as well as drinking fluids. Not that you are pregnant but those "stupid" questions you are asked- lead somewhere but obviously for you hey are just irrelevant questions.For that one person who answers- my period was over two months ago becoz I have been stressed- send that one to have a talk with the nurse. Okay, have I explained enough. I think so.

Go see the doctor- if you don't, theyare bila work to do.

Hope you feel better soon.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Prettylyf said...

Can I whine too? I really loathe word verification lol 'nuff said

Hope you feel better, go see the doc and Godspeed recovery

6:11 PM  
Blogger Princess said...

Go see a doctor ASAP!!! Hope you feel better soon!!! I also cannot stand the way A/C is blasted at work.

9:31 PM  
Blogger Quintessence said...

@JM...mhmmmmmmmm wiiiiiine

@3toc...HAHAHA ta for the thesis and for being yourself.
I truly understand that they've to ask the Qs to eliminate posibilities. I just felt like whining about it.
Are you a Doctor?

@Prettylyf...ROFL, ta for the subtle HINT, will consider changing that for ya comfort doll!

@Princess...I'm going @ 2. You know how I am with Docs, almost called to cancel coz I was feeling a leeeeeeeetoll btr!

6:20 AM  
Blogger Three types of Crazy said...

I just accidentally found myself learning such things and it took a good five years- along with finding out why root canal is such a "wonderful" experience for all involved.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Same here the hospital gives me the creeps. Doctors have been looking at sick people for a long time they look at u as if you'll be past tense in a few minutes

1:49 AM  
Blogger Jadekitten said...

Hmmm...I haven't been here for a while,and I wonder if it's coincidence that the day I'm dying of a cold, with its sisters and brothers from hell is the day I stumble on yours :-). You shall be well, dearie, you shall.

People, really should be themselves. I wonder about those who are so uncomfortable in their own skin that they feel they have to become like others to be accepted. I just don't get them. I don't get them, THEY should get a life, and some self-esteem while they're at it. Fronting? Na. Sux.

PS: You been tagged, see my last post (You're allowed to whine, but only a bit:-) )

5:25 AM  
Blogger Quintessence said... harm in informing yourself...

@Levi...Past tense, hahahaaaaaa!!!

@Jadekitten...Pole hope you feel better!
Man I've been trying to shut my eyes real tight and ignore that I've been tugged. Will see what I can do!!!!!!!!!!

6:17 AM  
Blogger gishungwa said...


5:37 AM  
Blogger feather said...

do get better.

12:58 AM  
Blogger Quintessence said...

@gish n Feather...I'm much btr ta for reaching out!

10:21 AM  

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