
Monday, July 09, 2007

At the "Disco"...

I had an overly fantastic weekend…my neck hurts like crazy though, thanx to DJs Nyandat and Adrian…MADNESS!!!

I could not have missed this if I was on my death bed, I.V. drip and all…someone somewhere would’ve sneaked me out of hospital and planted the gurney in the corner over there of the dance floor. Man I danced like there was no tomorrow and had a blast at it. But tomorrow there was and in pain I am…resting yesterday didn’t do much for recovery but I’m not one to complain especially after a fun wknd.

OMG a friend of mine totally SHOCKED the heck out of me. You know how you know that you are friends with someone but you don’t know that they are so in-tune with you and then they say something that totally throws you off because you don’t think that they know you that well especially coz you are trying ever so hard to mask all emotions and they call you out…HAHAHA…I was called out dragged front and center and almost given a beat down to talk about whatever is on my mind that’s causing me to have seemingly lost weight and seem so disconnected. I don’t know if there’s anything there but lucky for me I didn’t feel like talking and feigned ”It’s too loud in here, let’s talk later.” HAHAHA ok not funny coz I know that I won’t be able to ignore him any much longer and at some point before the end of the week we will be talking. I don’t wannnnnnnnnnnnnnna!!!



Blogger Princess said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend!! That's awesome!!! Nothing like awesome DJ's to keep you on the dance floor all night long!!!

12:41 PM  
Blogger Prettylyf said...

Sounds like you had fun! I caught some DJ Adrian last sunday too and yup twas fun!

4:19 PM  
Blogger Girl next door said...

Glad you had fun dancing over the weekend!

Emotions and stress are so powerful, as losing weight shows something deeper is going on.

It takes a really courageous friend to call you out on stuff. It can be a bit uncomfortable, but in the end you can trust people who can be straight up with you. I always used to avoid confrontations, but sometimes there's now way out of those talks. Good luck.

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun! Dj Adrian is one hell of a DJ.

Talk...let it all out! I guess i would be that person...unleash!

11:49 PM  
Blogger gishungwa said...

I love friends who call me on things they help me keep it straight. Anyway love DJ Adrian.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Quintessence said...

@Princess…yes maaaaaaaaa’am

@Prettylyf…he always reps.

@GND…I hear ya...and have contemplated seeking him and divulging. Ta!

I tend not to talk much about stuff going on with me esp. if I’ve no control over the situation.
Are you that person...hmmmmmmmmm!!!

@Gish…Those kinds or friends are refreshing to have.

10:07 AM  

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