
Thursday, November 16, 2006

To better health and more...Part Deux

Day 3 and 4 are kinda jumbled together. This has become part of my routine…drinking the Lemonade is becoming more of a chore than anything. I’ve started to gag at the thought of ingesting lemonade and sea salt mix and seena tea…the peppermint tea is a relief and reward at the end of all this. The cleansing is going great though I’ve been up or woken up several times a night to cramping stomach or at the beckon of the loo.
I went shopping on both days because I didn’t want to go home and watch tellie with the food commercial enticing my very stomach.
It’s interesting that my weird cravings and daily headaches have stopped. What is even more interesting is that I don’t feel hungry or compelled to eat…every time I feel hunger coming on I fix the lemonade and chug it down accompanied by the cayenne pepper.
My friends are still holding strong and I can’t express how I’m grateful that I’m doing this with this bunch of phenomenal women. The support is stupendous and stories hilarious as ever.
I have oh so much energy on day three…I’m bouncing off the walls and have to talk myself into calming down.
Day four hmmm things are getting thick man. I went to bed at 7.58pm last night…extremely unlike me…I don’t like to sleep – feel like I’m missing out on something. My body is feeling extremely fatigued. I can barely keep my eyes open and walking from bedroom to kitchen felt like I was climbing The Mt. Everest. Off to bed I go.

Day 5
I am the wickest link…I can’t do this anymore…I throw in the towel man. I woke up at some point in the night to use the loo…and went right back to sleep. Weird thing grandma came to me in my sleep. I say weird coz she’s passed on yeaaaaaaaars ago…funny/weird though that she oft comes to me at the oddest times and her presence is oh so tangible (will leave this for another blog).
My body is used to 4/5 hours of sleep so going to bed at 8p and didn’t waking up at 6a was kinda off. All morning I was sluggish as I got ready for work. My heart was beating real fast, I feel woozy and I was short of breath. I thus took myself to bed and I musta fainted/blacked-out/fallen unconscious for 2/3mins.
I’ve thus made decision to stop this cleanse thing. I’ve done all I can to be healthy. I stopped by the grocery store and picked up some organic juice to break my cleanse. I can’t and shouldn’t go straight into food coz my body could go into shock or so the reading material said.
One of my friends had a similar experience and so we are both getting off…the other two are still going strong, one more than the other…MAD ENCOURAGEMENT to them.

We have planned to play start/stop aka animal kingdom and scrabble tomorrow evening and those who have broken the cleanse can sip on vege broth while the rest go on with their lemonade. We always have LOADS of fun with start/stop what with the cheating and laughter and frozen looks when time stops and all you have on X is a bunch of Xs running through the categories. Yes, I admit I’ve lied that my pen stopped working or start feigning a massive headache and need to stop to grab some Aleve or some silly little lie like that.
My reasoning for challenging myself to do this was so that I could cleanse my body and rid it of the toxins it’s accumulated over the years. However, I’ve been told I’ve lost weight, which is visible to me coz my clothes are not fitting me the same. I didn’t think others could see this but my colleagues says that even my face looks smaller….hmmm. This is expected from this experience because you not eating and are loosing plenty of water weight. It’s estimated that most people gain back at least half of the lost weight.

My sensitivity to those who suffer from hunger has heightened. I’m doing this by choice or rather did this by choice and I have the advantage of stopping as and when I please. My heart goes out to the gazillion folk who, out of no fault of their own go hungry every day and have no choice but to survive as best they can.


Blogger Princess said...

You go proud of you!! Glad you stcuk it out this far!! As for Animal Kingdom..I sooo rule in that game and absolutely love Scrabble as well. Have fun!!

1:10 PM  
Blogger egm said...

Congrats on managing to come this far. That's a whole lot more than most (me included) can claim.

Ah, them good ol' games kina start/stop. Brings back plenty memories.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Quintessence said...

@Princess...ta doll...and will most definately enjoy...

@egm...ta for the support man...funny how most of us keep the child in us going...

12:31 PM  

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